Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Morning

So the weekend after Thanksgiving, Joe & I had planned to take Family Christmas pictures. Well on Thanksgiving morning I was giving Lucas and Caleb a bath. After we were done I got them both out of the bathtub. I was in the process of getting Caleb dressed when Lucas decided he wanted to get back into the tub. Lucas then proceeds to run towards the bathtub. As he was trying to slow down he slips on the water on the floor and hits his face on the bath tub. After screaming for a good 5 minutes I look at his face and discovered a huge black eye. Then Joe came home from playing in a Thanksgiving Day Football game for me to find his lip busted and a part of his front tooth a little cracked. So I have a son with a black eye and a husband with a busted lip and cracked tooth. It doesn't look like we are taking Christmas pictures this weekend after all. What a morning!!!

1 comment:

Christian and Jenny said...

Bummer, Michelle! That IS a terrible morning! Did Amy tell you about Eric's busted lip? I guess it's inevitable with boys -- and you've got a house full of them!!