Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lucas & Caleb have Pneumonia

Caleb had to get a chest x-ray today which was the saddest thing to watch. They strapped him into the contrapment called a "Pig Machine." He sat on a bicycle seat, then they pulled his arms above his head and strapped his arms in with plastic. It was so sad watching him screaming the entire time. The guy who did the xrays said that if anything came back with concern our doctors office would call us. Well, within a hour later we got a call. The xrays came back with Pheumonia!! Therefore, they wanted us to bring Caleb into the doctors immediately. We thought while we were taking Caleb we will bring Lucas as well and get him checked out. Well after checking Lucas as well they confirmed that BOTH kids have Pneumonia!! Our boys and their lungs. The doctor said that we will probably be dealing with this a lot as they get older just because they have such bad lungs and brocholia's. They are not contageous which is a good thing but the whole thing is frustrating!!! We got antibodics so hopefully they will get better within a couple of days.

1 comment:

JennaRuth said...

M, I'm so sorry! Having a sick baby is so sad, but two sick babies! Even worse. I hope everyone is feeling better before Christmas.